Basics of Occupational Safety and Health Administration: Online OSHA Courses
EnergyU Course Library
Use these OSHA courses from MEA to train and test personnel on requirements related to Safety and OSHA compliance. Give your employees professional forklift, fire extinguisher, and energy safety training from EnergyU.
- 16 courses and assessments
- OS-0101 Introduction of OSHA Standards
Course Description
For over 35 years, the Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA) has been responsible for assuring safe and healthful conditions for working men and women. Standards created by the agency have successfully reduced injuries, illnesses, and deaths in the workplace.
- Provide a brief overview of the purpose and history of OSHA.
- Describe how OSHA determines and sets standards.
- List reasons for OSHA inspections and describe inspection procedures.
- Explain requirements for correcting violations.
MEA Certificate Numbers TNG - MEA1665
KNT - MEA1664 - OS-0102 Hazard Communication
Course Description
The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) established a Hazard Communication Standard (HCS) to ensure that employees are provided with information in regard to the identities and hazards of chemicals they are exposed to in the workplace, and protective measures that may be taken. This course provides information on employer requirements in regard to hazard communication, including information on the Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labeling training requirement.
- Describe the purpose and task of OSHA’s HCS.
- Identify the changes and updates associated with the adoption of the Globally Harmonized System (GHS).
- Identify each category for physical and health hazards.
- Recognize the appropriate SDS, labels and pictograms for hazard identification and communication.
MEA Certificate Numbers TNG – MEA1672
KNT - MEA1671 - OS-0103 Hazardous Materials
Course Description
Employees have a right to know the hazards and identities of chemicals they are exposed to, and the protective measures that are available for their safety. OSHA’s Hazard Communication Standard (HCS) was designed to provide employees with that important information. The HCS assists employers in evaluating and communicating chemical hazard information to workers.
- Describe the purpose and task of OSHA's HCS.
- Identify the changes and updates associated with the adoption of the Globally Harmonized System (GHS).
- Outline key information about hazards, including physical and health hazards.
- Discuss the essentials of communicating hazards.
- Summarize DOT and Hazmat fundamentals.
- Recognize the appropriate SDS, labels, and pictograms for hazard identification and communication.
MEA Certificate Numbers TNG - MEA1512
KNT – MEA1348 - OS-0104 Hazardous Emergency Responses
Course Description
Responding to hazmat spills is important to worker safety. You need to be aware of safe methods of use.
- Understand the importance of responding to hazmat spills safely, quickly, and properly.
- Understand emergency response procedures.
- Learn how to clean up spills.
- Properly select the appropriate clean up materials and containers for spills.
- Learn to correctly label containers.
MEA Certificate Numbers TNG – MEA1513
KNT – MEA1349 - OS-0105 Asbestos Awareness
Course Description
Because asbestos fibers are resistant to heat, fire, and chemicals and do not conduct electricity, asbestos has been mined and used widely in the construction, automotive, and other industries. Unfortunately, exposure to asbestos fibers can result in severe lung problems if proper safety precautions and work practices are not utilized.
- Describe asbestos; its common types, uses, and locations.
- Discuss the health effects and exposure limits of asbestos.
- List asbestos-containing materials (ACM).
MEA Certificate Numbers TNG – MEA1514
KNT – MEA1352 - OS-0106 Horizontal Directional Drilling Safety
Course Description
This course provides information on applicable OSHA standards, and safety information directly related to the task of horizontal directional drilling (HDD).
- Describe mandatory safety standards which apply to horizontal directional drilling.
- Evaluate work site and identify precautions to take to eliminate hazards.
- List personal protection equipment requirements.
- Recognize and react to Abnormal Operating Conditions (AOCs).
MEA Certificate Numbers TNG - MEA1515
KNT – MEA1350 - OS-0108 Bloodborne Pathogens
Course Description
During the course of work, employees may come into contact with bloodborne pathogens that can cause serious, even fatal illnesses. This course is designed to provide the knowledge and training necessary to protect employees from these organisms.
- List three diseases transmitted through contact through contact with blood.
- Understand methods to prevent exposure and the concept of universal precautions.
- Describe emergency procedures and steps to take when an exposure incident occurs.
MEA Certificate Numbers TNG - MEA1518
KNT – MEA1353 - OS-0110 Fire Extinguisher Safety
Course Description
Fire is a common and serious hazard that can effect the utility industry. While proper procedure and training can minimize the chances of an accidental fire, you must still be prepared to deal with a fire emergency.
- List the elements of the fire tetrahedron.
- Explain the five classifications of fuel sources that sustain fire.
- Describe the different types of fire extinguishers and the fuel sources on which they can be safely used.
- Understand the fire extinguisher inspection responsibilities.
- Know the rules for fighting fires, including the P.A.S.S. system.
MEA Certificate Numbers TNG - MEA1522
KNT – MEA1521 - OS-0109 Cadmium Awareness
Course Description
Cadmium is a hazardous, naturally occurring element that can be found in the workplace. Understanding where it can be found, what it can do, and how to avoid it can save you from ill health.
- Understand where cadmium can be found.
- Know the health effects of cadmium exposure.
- Describe work practices that are effective in minimizing exposure to cadmium.
MEA Certificate Numbers TNG - MEA1520
KNT – MEA1519 - OS-0111 First Aid
Course Description
Unfortunately, no matter how safe we work there is the possibility that accidents will happen. This course introduces you to the first aid procedures for treating bleeding, shock, burns & scalds, electric shock, head & spinal injuries, fractures, poisoning, and environmental emergencies.
- State why the rescuer needs to work safely.
- Evaluate wounds.
- Describe treatments for the types of wounds.
- Identify symptoms.
MEA Certificate Numbers TNG - MEA1524
KNT – MEA1523 - OS-0113 Fall Protection and Prevention
Course Description
Falls account for a large number of workplace accidents each year. In 2006, there were 809 fatal falls, which was the third highest total since 1992. A vast majority of fall accidents can be prevented by identifying fall hazards, providing adequate training, and enforcing the use of fall protection systems.
- Fall hazard identification.
- Components and usage of fall protection systems.
- Training requirements.
- General fall safety tips.
MEA Certificate Numbers TNG - MEA1674
KNT – MEA1673 - OS-0121 Respiratory Protection
Course Description
Due to the nature of many Electrical and Gas utility job assignments it is sometimes necessary for workers to protect themselves from hazardous atmospheres by wearing respirators. Respirators are an effective method of protection against designated hazards when properly selected and worn. However, if a respirator is used improperly or not kept clean, the respirator itself can become a hazard to the worker.
- Know potential respiratory hazards.
- List the types of respirators.
- Describe the proper use of respiratory protection equipment.
- Select the appropriate cartridge.
- Perform fit tests.
- Understand the proper care and maintenance of respirators.
MEA Certificate Numbers TNG - MEA1530
KNT - MEA1529 - OS-0122 Radio Frequency Awareness
Course Description
Many products make use of some form of electromagnetic energy. One type of electromagnetic energy that is of increasing importance is radio frequency or (RF) energy, including radio waves and microwaves, which is used for providing telecommunications, broadcast, and other services. Heightened awareness of the expanding use of RF technology has led some people to speculate that "electromagnetic pollution" is causing significant risks to human health from environmental RF electromagnetic fields.
- Describe the difference between ionizing and non-ionizing radiation.
- Describe the potential health effects of Radio frequency radiation exposure.
- Identify different types of transmitters and what they are used for.
- Recognize Radio frequency signage and describe what each individual sign means.
MEA Certificate Numbers TNG - MEA1532
KNT - MEA1531 - OS-0201 Forklift Safety
Course Description
A forklift is considered a Powered Industrial Truck (PIT). According to the Occupational Safety & Health Administration, tens of thousands of injuries related to PITs occur in US workplaces each year. Many employees are injured when forklift trucks are inadvertently driven off loading docks or fall between the dock and an unsecured trailer. Employees are also injured when struck by a lift truck, or when they fall from elevated pallets and tines. Most employee injuries and property damage can be prevented by providing adequate training and enforcing safe operating practices.
- Forklift types and components.
- Forklift inspection.
- Operational hazards.
- Safe practices.
MEA Certificate Numbers TNG - MEA1676
KNT – MEA1675 - OS-0202 Hand and Power Tool Safety
Course Description
Each year, the use of hand tools causes thousands of injuries. A great number of these injuries could be prevented through hazard awareness, proper tool use, and training.
- Describe general tool safety practices.
- Describe hand tool safety practices.
- Describe general power tool safety practices.
- Describe specific power tool safety practices.
- Describe specific tool safety practices.
MEA Certificate Numbers TNG - MEA11304
KNT – MEA11303 - OS-0203 Residential Meters: Ergonomics and Safety
Course Description
This course covers hazard assessment, ergonomics, and wrenching in regards to ergonomics and safety of personnel working with residential meters.
- Perform a hazard assessment of the job site.
- Identify proper ergonomics for the job.
- Explain proper wrenching technique.
MEA Certificate Numbers TNG - MEA1666
KNT – MEA1667