Exhibitor Policies

Rules & Guidelines

Exhibit Booth Assignments and Space
MEA shall use reasonable efforts to assign Exhibitor a booth in a preferred location upon receipt of agreement. Notwithstanding the foregoing, MEA reserves the right to change location assignments at any time and for any reason whatsoever, in its sole discretion. MEA shall provide written confirmation to Exhibitor of its assignments or any changes thereto.

The registration fee paid for exhibit space includes back and side drape, a uniform identification sign, two chairs, one skirted table, and a waste basket. The fee does not include receiving or handling of exhibit materials, utilities, or other services. Please refer to your exhibitor kit to order additional furnishings, utilities, food and beverage, or other services.

Payments, Cancellations, and Refunds
Exhibitors must pay in full for exhibit space at the time of registration. MEA may terminate this agreement if an Exhibitor has not paid the total fee for space rented. All requests for cancellation or reduction of exhibit space must be made in writing and shall become effective upon receipt and acknowledgement by MEA staff. In the event of a cancellation or reduction of space by an Exhibitor, the following fee schedule applies: *

Up until 90 days prior to event start date | $75 cancellation fee
60 – 89 days prior to event start date | 50% of the total exhibit fee
0 – 59 days prior to event start date | 100% of the total exhibit fee
*Please reference the event webpage for specific dates.

Exhibitor Registration and Badges
Admission to the event is available only to registered Exhibitors and Attendees. All Exhibitor personnel are required to register for the event. Please wear your Exhibitor badge at all times on the show floor and any other event functions.

Occupation of Exhibit Space
Exhibitors agree to occupy their exhibit space during posted show hours. All exhibits must be completed and ready for the show 30 minutes prior to the opening of the show floor and must remain intact until the exhibit hall closes on the final event day. Exhibits must be dismantled and either removed from the facility or set aside to be shipped by the posted dismantle time. If an exhibitor fails to set up a booth, or occupy their agreed upon space by the opening of the show, that space will be considered abandoned and cancelled without refund.

Exhibit Material and Activity
Exhibitors may distribute and sell merchandise from their rented exhibit space only. MEA reserves the right to prevent any Exhibitor from displaying beyond the bounds of the Exhibitor’s rented exhibit space. Exhibitors agree to regulate devices with noise, odor or other disagreeable features so as to abate reasonable objections by Attendees and other Exhibitors. All aisles must be kept clear of displays. The rights and privileges of an Exhibitor shall not be infringed upon by any other Exhibitor.

MEA will coordinate with the facility to secure the exhibit space at the close of each day. However, there will be no additional security provided during the event. MEA does not guarantee exhibitors against loss and does not take responsibility for lost, damaged or stolen items. Please do not leave valuable items unattended.

Exhibitor will not damage the exposition facility in any way, or permit it to be damaged by any substance or activity. If an Exhibitor, or the Exhibitor’s agents, employees or guests, cause damage to the facility, the Exhibitor will pay facility management the amount necessary to restore the facility to its previous condition.

Suppliers of Exhibit Services
MEA will designate a contractor to provide exposition services and predetermine suppliers for other services needed during the event. An Exhibitor Manual containing forms and instructions for renting exhibit furnishings and services will be available to Exhibitors. Exhibitors must use these suppliers for all furnishings and services needed, including utilities, unless Exhibitors notify MEA in writing, 30 days prior to setup of the event of their intention to use other suppliers. Contractors are required to provide a Certificate of Insurance to MEA.

Infraction of Rules
Unethical conduct, unprofessional behavior, or infraction of this agreement on the part of the Exhibitor and/or their representatives will subject the Exhibitor and representatives to dismissal from the exhibit hall, forfeiture of booth space and/or booth fee. The Exhibitor may also be barred from future participation. In this scenario, MEA will not make any refunds and will not accept any demand for redress by the Exhibitor or representatives. Any complaints regarding infractions of these rules or disputes between Exhibitors should be made to MEA and its decision will be final.

Cancellation of the Event
If the event must be cancelled for any reason, MEA will not be liable for anything except the return of the rental fee paid by each Exhibitor for exhibit space.

The exhibiting of products and services at the event does not constitute endorsement by the MEA Energy Association of the products and services exhibited.

Entire Agreement
These rules and regulations, including items listed on the Exhibitor Resources website set forth the terms and understanding between MEA and the Exhibitor. These rules and regulations are effective upon registration. MEA may update the Exhibitor Resources website with new information. You acknowledge and agree that such additions shall become part of this agreement.