Consent(Required) I have read and agree to the 2024 Hyatt Regency Coralville exhibitor guidelines.
The Hyatt Regency Coralville Hotel and Conference Center welcomes exhibitors associated with various events hosted at our hotel. We pride ourselves on being a world class hotel and continue to portray this image throughout the hotel. Safety and Security are a key part of the image and therefore it is critical that any exhibitor that enters the hotel adheres to all the policies and procedures that are outlined in this document. Any violation of these policies and procedures can result in the exhibitor not being allowed on hotel property.
Load in/out:
Any person or company utilizing the convention dock and garage entrance to Load In and Load Out will be held accountable to the following rules and regulations:
• Schedule:
Once a Load In and Load Out schedule has been established by the convention organizer, the schedule must be adhered to. This will avoid any inconvenience for the attendees and other guests. Access to the exhibit area will not be guaranteed outside of the arranged times.
• Convention Dock Parking:
Trucks and containers may be parked temporarily at the convention dock/garage entrance and must be removed as soon as they are emptied. Under no circumstances can they be left on property overnight. If trucks have large trailers unhooked for unloading they must reconnect after the truck is unloaded and park elsewhere. Once the equipment is unloaded off of the truck and before any equipment set-up is performed on the convention floor the truck must be moved. Any exhibitor that deliberately violates this rule will be asked to leave the property and may not be allowed back on property.
Booth Equipment
Please contact your convention organizer for a list of items/equipment included in your booth. The Hyatt Regency Coralville Hotel & Conference Center does not provide miscellaneous items such as chairs, tables, easels etc. to exhibitors when a General Contractor/Exhibit Company is contracted. Additional items must be ordered directly from the R&D Events, the show's General Contractor (furniture) or Encore Global, the show's AV provider (audio visual and electrical needs).
All freight and crates must be delivered to the exhibit company responsible for the set-up and teardown of the show. All cost involved with movements and storage of freight during the show or delivered prior to the Load In date will be the responsibility of the General Contractor/Exhibit Company performing the Load In and Load Out. The Hyatt Regency Coralville has no storage facilities for materials and will not accept any exhibitor freight sent directly to the hotel.
While on the Convention Floor:
There is to be no painting, or extensive work done on the convention floor. Please contact the Event Manager prior to arrival, and a work area may be set aside (pending availability).
The use of nails or staples in the Hotel’s meeting space is not allowed in exposed molding or walls. Also screws or nails are not allowed in any of the Hotel’s equipment, such as stages to hold up props or back drops. At no time may any type
If cords or equipment are found in areas that prevent the working order of hotel equipment the individual exhibitor will be responsible to remove to the items.
Banners and Signage
There are to be no banners hung in the public areas.
Banners may only be hung inside your designated function room. Requests for banners outside of your designated function room should be addressed with the Event Manager. Charges for hanging banners will be assessed with your Event Manager.
Absolutely no hand-lettered signed or flipcharts are allowed outside of the rooms. Professional printed signage on easels or sign stands are the only type of signage allowed on the convention floor. Signage or promotional materials are not permitted on the first lobby level and may not be secured to pillars, walls or elevators.
Exhibitor Food and/or Beverage:
Any food and/or beverage dispensed or given away in booths must have advance approval from the Event Manager. If the distribution of food or beverage by an exhibitor conflicts with that which can be purchased within the hotel, a corkage or service charge may be levied.
General Cleanliness:
General Cleanliness of the exhibit area, such as vacuuming, light trash removal, will be the responsibility of the General Contractor/Exhibit Company.
Individual exhibitors are responsible for disposing of all trash (boxes, promotional materials, etc.) created during set up, show hours and tear down. Trash must be placed in the provide booth wastebasket or the facility- provided trash cans in the exhibit space. The General Contractor/Exhibit Company is responsible for emptying booth waste baskets. The Hotel is responsible for emptying facility-provided trash cans.
Fire & Safety:
General fire & safety policies/procedures have been established to ensure The Hyatt Regency Coralville Hotel & Conference Center, its personnel, guests, clients, and related service industries are working in a safe environment, and working in compliance with City of Coralville statutes governing fire prevention. These policies and procedures should serve as a guideline for all concerned and will be enforced by the Hotel management and Coralville Fire Department. Any requests for variations or exceptions should be directed through your Event Manager and must be approved in writing by Hotel management.
• Any material used for scenery, drapes and decorations shall be so treated with a flame-retardant solution and be continuously maintained in such condition as to pass the test for scenery and decoration given by the Coralville Fire Department and be so certified by a testing agency recognized by the Bureau of Fire Prevention.
• All open flame devices used for illumination or decorative purpose shall be in suitable non-combustible holders and be placed in such a manner that they will not ignite any combustible material or constitute a dangerous hazard or condition.
• The minimum width of aisles and passageways shall be kept free of obstructions leading in to and out of assembly occupancy areas.
• It shall be unlawful to lock or fasten any door or other means of exit from any building, room or space, other than individual dwelling units, where persons are gathered during any time in which such space is so occupied, in any manner such as will not permit immediate opening from within of such means of exit without the use of a key and
without special knowledge.
• The storage, handling, keeping or using of any liquefied petroleum gas for any purpose is not permitted in any exhibition area.
• Obstructions that hinder the effective operation of the automatic sprinkler system (i.e. pop up tents) are not permitted unless the sprinkler system is extended to include the area(s) below the obstruction.
• Aisles must lead to exits or to aisles leading to exits. In assembly units, other than theaters, there may not be more than 20 seats between aisles (depth of aisles are to be 32” providing back of chairs do not exceed ¾”) and not more than 10 seats abutting an aisle at one end only.
• During setup and removal of exhibits and when workers are in exhibition area while same are closed for the night, all doors that are required to be used as an exit from the exhibition areas and doors required for access to fire fighting equipment on the premises shall be unlocked. Security personnel shall be at all doors while same are unlocked.
• Regret, we cannot use open flame or induction stoves for cooking use in our event space areas.
• Cooking and food warming devices used in exhibit booths shall comply with the following:
o The use of LP gas shall be limited to (1) 12LB water capacity (5LB LP gas capacity) cylinder to be used for cooking demonstration purposes only. A 20’ separation is required from other LPG containers.
o Spare cylinder shall be inaccessible to the public and stored in a caged container. The number of spare cylinders stored at one time shall not exceed ten. Butane-fueled portable cooking appliances are allowed subject to the following restrictions:
o The cooking appliance shall not have more than two 10-oz non-refillable butane gas cylinders, each having a maximum capacity of 1.08 lb
o Cylinders shall comply with UL 147B
o Cylinders shall be connected directly to the appliance and shall not be manifolded
o Cylinders shall be an integral part of the listed, approved commercial food service device and shall be connected without the use of a rubber hose
o Spare cylinders shall be inaccessible to the public and stored in a caged container. The number of spare cylinders stored at one time shall not exceed 24.
o Deep Frying Guidelines: Single–well cooking equipment using combustible oils or solids shall meet the following criteria: They shall have lids available for immediate use; Deep fryers shall be thermostatically controlled: They shall be limited to 288 in. of cooking sur- face. They shall be placed on noncombustible surface materials: They shall be separated from each other by a horizontal distance of not less than 2FT; Multiple well cooking equipment using combustible oils or solids shall comply with NFPA Pamphlet
96.: A K-Class fire extinguisher must be provided within the booth: cooking devices shall be separated from the public by not less than four feet or by a barrier.
The exhibitor assumes the entire responsibility and liability for losses, damages, and claims arising out of exhibitor’s activities on the Hotel premises and will indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the Hotel, its owner, and its management company, as well as their respective agents, servants, and employees from any and all such losses, damages, and claims.
Hotel will not be responsible or liable for any loss, damage, or claims arising out of exhibitor’s activities on the Hotel’s premises except for any claims, loss, or damages arising directly from the Hotel’s own negligence.
Last Revision March 2022
Electrical/Engineering Support:
Encore Global is the exclusive provider of electrical services at the Hyatt Regency Coralville Hotel and Conference Center. Please refer to
Vehicle Regulations in Event Space Area
All Motorized vehicles which include those that are propelled by an internal combustion engine using Class I or Class II fuel such as cars, trucks, motorcycles, aircraft or watercraft must have the battery disconnected at the “hot” lead, and the lead must be safely secured. Also, fuel supplies in the vehicle must not exceed 1/4 tank of gas and the tank must be purged with carbon dioxide (CO2). In addition, all vehicle tanks with fuel must have a locking gas cap or must be sealed with tape. Tractors, chainsaws and other fueled equipment must be safeguarded in the same manner. Vehicles on display require both visqueen and a drip pan.
All motor vehicles must be clean before entering exhibit/display space and runners must be placed for move-in and move-out that consist of visqueen and plywood. A key to the vehicle must be supplied to the Hotel Security department. Please address any concerns with this event request to your Event Manager.
The City of Coralville Fire Department requires inspection of all vehicles once placed inside the Conference Center. There is a $50.00 permit fee per vehicle that will be collected by the Fire Department prior to the event. Special pricing is available for multiple vehicles for the same event. Please inquire with your Event Manager.
Group/Trade Show Organization Agreement:
I have read these rules and agree to comply with them when on property at the Hyatt Regency Coralville Hotel and Conference Center.
I understand that failure to enforce these rules may result in the loss of future MEA tradeshow participation.
Exhibitor assumes the entire responsibility and liability for losses, damages, and claims arising out of exhibitor’s activities on the Hotel premises and will indemnify,
defend, and hold harmless MEA, the Hotel, its owner, and its management company, as well as their respective agents, servants, and employees from any and all such losses,
damages, and claims.